Ms. Bonnie Baker Richardson received the P-12 Master Dance Educator in Physical Education!
Ms. Bonnie Baker Richardson received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees and a masters + 30 from Louisiana State University (LSU). She has taught K-12 physical education for 35 years in Acadia and East Baton Rouge Parish school systems. She is the physical education teacher at Baton Rouge Foreign Language Academic Immersion Magnet Elementary School. Ms. Richardson has held many leadership roles in the Louisiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (LAHPERD) serving as president, vice-president of dance twice, vice-president of recreation and the chair of the Advocacy/Visibility Committee. She has also served Southern District SHAPE America as member-at-large, dance council chair, conference planning committee SHAPE America as member-at-large, dance council chair, conference planning committee, kaleidoscope coordinator, Representative Assembly delegate, and Southern District/ LAHPERD presenter. During Ms. Richardson’s presidency, LAHPERD hosted the most successful Southern District Conference ever. Ms. Richardson has represented LAHPERD for three years at Speak Out Day in Washington, D.C. advocating for students’ health and physical education through ESSA funding. She also worked closely with the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to include physical education in the Louisiana Framework of ESSA. Ms. Richardson is a National Board Certified teacher, SHAPE America Southern District Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year, LAHPERD Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year, Project Fit America All-Star Teacher of the Year, LSU Future Professional mentor, Active Schools National Recognition Award recipient, LAHPERD Model School Award recipient, the Mayor’s Healthy City Initiative-Healthy BR/ Project Fit America grant recipient, and LSU Golden Girl. Ms. Richardson’s community service includes coaching the BR FLAIM Run Club, Baton Rouge YMCA, and Acadia Parish Recreation Department Soccer, Basketball, and Softball teams, State Fitness Meet Volunteer and Key Volunteer for the 3/23 Marines. NDS is delighted to recognize Bonnie Richardson as its 2019 P-12 Dance Master Educator in Physical Education Award recipient.