Delta Eta Pi is the National Dance Society’s honor society. Its purpose is to provide an organization dedicated to the advancement of dance and dance education in middle and secondary schools, studios, colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher learning. Delta Eta Pi offers programs in dance instruction in one or more genres; and to recognize and encourage academic excellence, dance technique, choreography, scholarship, and service to the school and community.
Creative thinking is the core of 21st century learning; and, as a dance educator, you are a primary creative officer in your school. Sponsoring a chapter of the National Dance Society dance honor society magnifies the innovation, skills, and scholarship that your dance program brings to your school and community.
Having a dance honor society at your school or studio raises the profile and stature of your dance program, making both your institution and community aware of the activities and success of your students, and increases the visibility of dance as a creative, academic subject. Opportunities for national recognition, scholarships, publication, and connectivity to other outstanding dance students, as well as dance teachers and professionals, are available to your students as members of Delta Eta Pi.
Membership in Delta Eta Pi (ΔΗΠ) is open to students who are active in secondary school (6th to 12th grades), studios, collegiate dance programs – dance majors & minors as well as serious dance students who have participated in an accredited dance or arts-related class at the host institution for at least one semester, graduate students, and to faculty in the discipline. Membership in the Honor Society is based on a student’s fulfillment of four requirements – scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
Potential members must be considered by the faculty advisor or committee of the chapter to be outstanding in scholarly achievement and dance studies and must have maintained a GPA.
To remain a member in good standing, members must be actively involved in dance classes, production, and service projects. To maintain membership, students are required to serve 5 hours of service in a dance-related activity per year, pay annual dues, maintain a 3.2 cumulative average, and attend chapter meetings.
- Recognize those students who have shown outstanding ability in the field of dance.
- Serve as an inspiration for students to strive for higher goals in their work.
- Foster excellence and dedication in the pursuit of dance.
- Encourage the creative abilities and talents of the individual student.
- Provide leadership & community service opportunities.
- Assist students in working toward attainment of the highest potential in the field of dance.
- Bring dance to the attention of the school and community.
- Increase the awareness of dance as a viable area within the total school curriculum.
- Advance aesthetic awareness in all aspects of the total education program.
- Each member receives a membership certificate & ∆Hπ pin.
Upon receipt of chapter registration and individual student dues, advisors will receive a copy of the bylaws.
Starting or renewing a Delta Eta Pi chapter is easy.
- First, complete the Chapter Registration and Chapter Roster forms and e-mail or mail them to us (address is on the form).
- Next pay your chapter registration fees, membership fees and order your stoles and cords for your members in our store.