2016 Award Recipients!
Dr. Sandra Weeks received the Dance Honor Award!
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National Dance Society
852 Lincoln Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Dr. Sandra Weeks received the Dance Honor Award!
Dr. Kathleen Kindfather received the Dance Legacy Award!
Ms. Keisha Breaker received the Dance Promotion in the Community [...]
Ms. Gayanne Grossman received the Dance Advocate Award! Gayanne Grossman [...]
Dr. Danielle Jay Kirschenbaum received the Dance Scholar Award! Dr. [...]
Dr. Christa A. Davis received the College/University Master Dance Educator [...]
Ms. Marian Simpson received the Dance Legacy Award! Marian Simpson [...]
Ms. Ami Christ received the Undergraduate Dance Excellence Award! Ms. [...]
The Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education [...]
Dr. Judy Patterson Wright received the Dance Scholar Award! Judy [...]